Seasoned: Food and Food Memories


Hello to everyone reading today. This is my first post in my new blog, Seasoned: Food and Food Memories.

Long ago, I had a blog about gardening and it is still out there in the ether somewhere. I still love gardening, but for the past several years I’ve become more and more interested in food and cooking. When you think about it, gardening, food, and cooking all go together very well.

In this blog my goal is to talk about food and cooking, but also my memories of food from the past, from my family and friends, and my experiments, successes,  and failures with cooking. I may ramble a bit. Hopefully you’ll have as much fun with that as I am sure I will.

I toyed with the idea of writing a cookbook but I really don’t have enough experience to write a whole book. If I did, though, its focus would be on seasoning food so that it all has the maximum of amazing flavor. My cooking is all about flavor. Thus,  the name of this blog, Seasoned. Furthermore, a few months ago I was hired to be a School Psychologist at a very fine consulting firm in South Hadley. I was described to my new colleagues as a “Seasoned school psychologist”. I took that to mean “old” -or at least “older than the rest of you”. That was OK. So, it is doubly fitting to call this blog “Seasoned.”

I’m going to hit post on this first entry in the blog. When I get home, I will play around with pictures and formatting. But for now, welcome to my world of food and food memories. 



  1. I like the term "seasoned" to describe a person with a full-flavored life!

  2. Seasoned= full of personality and life!


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